Friday, April 22, 2011

Falun Dafa and Connections

I love doing the Falun Standing Stance! It grounds, cleanses, roots, energizes, expands me. And that doesn't seem to describe it well at all. English is really bad at describing some things. Well, some quick notes 'cause I don't have time to write much now:

The wheel seems to have aspects that spin in both directions -- which cleanses and strengthens the Chakras.

Whichever energy level it turns is not the same as the meridians, chakras, aura (?), or basic energy grid? yet it seems to affect them all.

Arms stretched out forward seems to strengthen your core and ground.

Arms in front seems to cleans your vital systems and cleans/strengthen chakras.
Above head seems to clear and strengthen connections with others.

Palms open facing in, parallel to each other, at head level, seems to clear and "prime" your connection with God. Anchors you on the strait path.